End to end monitoring is a process of monitoring the performance of a system from start to finish. It involves tracking the performance of the system from the moment a user initiates a request to the moment the system returns a response. This type of monitoring helps to identify any issues with the system, such as latency, errors, or other performance issues. End to end monitoring can also be used to measure the overall performance of the system, allowing for better optimization and scalability. By monitoring the entire system, organizations can ensure that their users are getting the best possible experience.
Ultimately, your success will be measured by user satisfaction with their experiences across devices (speed, relevance, look and feel, consistency …).
Over 81% of firms say that 1 hour of downtime costs $300k on average (lost revenue and lost productivity), while hourly downtime tops $1M for 33% of large enterprises.
Wouldn’t it be nice to prevent problems before they occur and your call center is overflowing with complaints and escalations? Learn more about Tevron CitraTest APM.
CitraTest APM continually executes end-to-end transactions, simulating real end-users, taking response time measurements along the way. By automating the driving of any application or desktop just like a real user, visually examining the desktop and responding to changes and driving the keyboard and mouse, CitraTest APM can validate whether all critical aspects of your environment are available and working within limits, alerting you at the first sign of trouble. Screenshots are also taken on errors to help you analyze problem root cause. Any user transaction can be simulated and measured in absolute values, percentages or statistical deviations to help you identify problems early on, before your users are impacted. Plus, with custom reports (by application, by transaction step, by SLA violations, etc.,) and automatic email distribution you can easily share the information needed for better business decisions.
Are you ready to boost quality and user satisfaction?
Start testing and monitoring your environment, without any code changes or performance impact. Absolutely no elements of CitraTest APM are installed on any application or database servers, so you get 100% non-intrusive monitoring that will not impact your production operations. All you need is access from Windows to any target application (Citrix, Salesforce, SAP, Epic, Cerner, Terminal-based, legacy applications, Java, .NET, etc.). Good luck with your Citrix endeavors!)